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BUR Terminal - Deadline THIS Wednesday for a Copy/Paste Comment

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Dear Supporters,

Thank you to everyone who has submitted a comment already!  If you have not done so, please take 1 minute to submit the copy/paste comment below BEFORE WEDNESDAY.  We need as many submissions as possible.

The FAA has published the Draft Written Re-evaluation for its environmental review of the Burbank Airport's new terminal. This additional review was required because of the City of L.A.'s win in the lawsuit over the project.

The FAA has again found that the terminal project will have No Significant Impact, clearing it to move forward.

The FAA requests comments on their analysis and accompanying data, but has given the public limited notice and will be closing comments this Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.



1. Enter your first and last name (can use last initial only if desired), and email address (phone number not needed)

2. Copy/paste the Italicized text bellow into the Comment section:

I request an extension of the comment period for this Draft Written Re-evaluation by at least an additional 30 days, through no earlier than December 22, 2023.

Following limited public notice, a 15-day comment period with an end date the day prior to Thanksgiving is tantamount to public suppression.

3. Click Submit button

Write us at if you have any issues with the link or comment portal.

We wish you a happy Thanksgiving.  Thank you for your support.

UproarLA team


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