Dear Supporters,
We have written previously regarding new flying taxis (also known as Advanced Air Mobility/AAM and Urban Air Mobility/UAM). We confirmed last year that Los Angeles has been designated as an early adopter test city. Flying taxis would depart initially from airports on existing flight paths, but at extremely low altitudes.
NASA is conducting a study related to human noise exposure for this new modality.
Together with the Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) and Studio City For Quiet Skies, we submitted a comment seeking protections for communities like ours that are already suffering from constant overflights.
We need your help! Submit a 1-sentence copy/paste comment BEFORE 5/14.
Step-by-step instructions are HERE or you can use the Quick Action Steps below.
Please reply with any questions. Thank you for your support.
UproarLA team
1. Visit comment portal at:
2. Copy/paste this 1 sentence, including the web URL, into comment portal:
I support the Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA), Studio City For Quiet Skies, and UproarLA Comment submitted to Federal Register, Docket ID: NASA_FRDOC_0001-0545 on April 26, 2024, and available at

“Autonomous flight is possible today and it’s happening now in LA,” said Brian Yutko, Wisk CEO. “Los Angeles is a target launch city for many in our industry and we are extremely proud to be the first air taxi company to fly in LA – and to have done so with an autonomous aircraft. We are fortunate to have the partnership and support of Boeing throughout the area to help build relationships and advance our mission.”