UproarLA, Studio City for Quiet Skies,
Sherman Oaks & Encino for Quiet Skies, Burbank for Quiet Skies
As the Task Force begins to consider recommendations to the FAA for immediate relief/redress of the newly impacted communities, UproarLA, Studio City for Quiet Skies, Sherman Oaks & Encino for Quiet Skies, and Burbank for Quiet Skies submit the following statement of unity:
We seek relief for the tens of thousands of residents, schoolchildren, parks, and businesses affected under these illegal, narrowed, new 2017 paths that were implemented and moved south into new communities without notice or environmental study. As operations at both VNY and BUR increase, traffic will continue to grow. With the planned New Terminal, BUR can increase passengers from the 2019 record of 6M to an estimated 12M passengers per year. Impacts will multiply, and the New Community will be at even greater risk.
We are unified in our support around the following proposals:
We support the FAIR plan: Fan out, Ascend faster, Include community, Restore flight paths
We support the immediate restoration of closer to airport, historical flight paths that were fanned-out and included a faster rate of ascent, which can be accomplished with any combination of methods at FAA disposal.
We support the requirement that any future changes in flight paths must go through proper process, including Public Scoping and Environmental Analysis.
We support protection of the unique, irreplaceable public parklands and open space in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Area of the Santa Monica Mountains and Foothills so that our parks can be used for their intended purposes – to provide quiet refuge and recreation and to preserve and protect vulnerable wildlife and habitat from destructive noise and air pollution.
We oppose FAA Proposed Procedures for both BUR and VNY. These proposals would make permanent the devastation of our communities.